Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Social Media For Business Makes For Growth

Even the ABC TV program The Business is bringing us stories on the growth of business due to the internet.

Time to do something about yours?

With big cyber dividends, small business can't afford not to go digital

Updated Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:34pm AEST
A new report found a third of enterprises have virtually no digital engagement, but those that do are twice as likely to be growing and profitable.
TICKY FULLERTON, PRESENTER: Log on to the digital world and reap the rewards - that's the message to small business missing out on the cyber revolution.
A new report found a third of enterprises have virtually no digital engagement, but those that do are twice as likely to be growing and profitable.
Tracey Kirkland reports.
TRACEY KIRKLAND, REPORTER: Michael Tattersfield has been a printer for more than a decade, but this has been his best year yet. He puts his company's rapid growth down to the internet
MICHAEL TATTERSFIELD, BUSINESS OWNER, APPAREL ART: So initially I was using things like mail drops, leaflets and sending out letters to businesses to try and get some interest. And then that was successful on a very patchy scale. And then I started reading about web marketing.
TRACEY KIRKLAND: Two years ago, he consulted an IT professional and together they built a website. Now he uses social media, posts web videos and constantly updates his site. He's also doubled his bottom line.
MICHAEL TATTERSFIELD: We might have had half a dozen inquiries a week. Now I'm getting 20, 30, 40, 50.

See video and full transcript here http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-04-15/with-big-cyber-dividends-small-business-cant/4630888

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