Thursday, February 20, 2014

Faking Likes On Facebook Is Bad For Business Here's Why

Thinking about buying some popularity on Facebook? You can spend your money, but like everything of worth when it comes to online presence on the internet, the real stuff counts for something.  There are no short cuts. Just work to earn your place.

Take a look.

 Here's the thing. Being visible and engaging online is a great thing for business to do. But it is not a job for the junior in the office, and there is no way to get any results that matter by short cuts. There are lots of things not to do and a lot of things that you can do that most don't know to.  Do you need Likes? Yes. Do fake Likes count? No. As you can see in the video, they not only don't count, but they dilute the real Likes and makes it even HARDER for those people - potential customers - from seeing your updates.

Now you should know that since all these changes came in, getting Likes on your page has never been harder.  So you need a comprehensive strategy to make that happen.

Your business online is as important as every other business issue you manage.

Make sure you get help with it from someone who knows and is up to date with all the shenanigans that go on. Or better still, get help with that and learn how to sort the good information from the bad.

Content for your business to showcase you online 

I have space for a few new local businesses, preferably in the Newcastle region who want to get their business online and need the content generated to use to attract quality engagement online.

If you would like help to create a strategy for this or need to outsource the whole content writing and uploading and management of your social media accounts, contact me on 0403 365 855  Read more here Get content written for your business to engage online